Honey the rats ate my wiring

Honey the rats ate my wiring

Toney from True Line smash repairs a few doors down from Power Curve Performance had Monday issues with his wifes Rav 4.

Toney often does a lot of his own work on the family vehicles.  Toney drove her Rav 4 to work and back with the check engine light on.  She bought it up with Toney who was non-pleased the distance she had driven in this state.  With the wife driving his commodore Toney had no time to fix the vehicle himself.

A check engine light can vary from a multitude of issues not necessarily as we may first hope (no not my engine.)  This can make it time-consuming and difficult for even the best home DIY.


Back to work opting to walk and calm down after his frustration with his personal situation.  Slightly comical as all of the male team at Power Curve Performance where overly empathetic to his situation.

Diagnose and repair

Beau took on the Rav 4 project.  A full scan of the vehicle found 9 fault codes all up.  These codes are logged and saved for the customers’ reference.  Have you ever wondered if an issue has occurred after a mechanic has worked on you vehicle?  How do you know?  Beau erases all codes and test drove the Rav 4, with all 9 codes returning.

The Rave 4 codes told Beau the first place to check was auto plugs and wiring.  On investigation, Beau found some wires had been eaten through.

Power Curve Performance and the Sunshine Coast area have had a fair amount of rain over the past few weeks.  Rain often results in vermin coming in out of the weather for food and protection.  The coating on our wiring such as that found in our engine bay is extremely tasty to rats and mice and can be a costly outcome for us.


Removal of  the battery, all trays, and wiring and wiring harness. fixed plugs (x3) and wiring harness.  The location and extent of the damage have been rectified.
Once the immediate issue has been fixed the Beau again cleared codes and test drove the Rav 4 once again with no codes returning.

Apart from some good rodent protection Toney can now go home and tell his wife

vehicle diagnosis, rav 4, susnshine coast, nambour, mechanic, buderim, power curve performance, service, diagnosis, ecu tuning, dyno tuning, dyno, noosa, 4x4

Honey the rats ate my wiring

He may have an afternoon of baiting however he will not be chasing his “tail” for a stab in the dark diagnosis.

Through quality diagnosis, this issue was professionally located and rectified for Toney and his wife in a timely and cost-effective manner.  While not all diagnosis can always be located as quickly by following our process the team can ensure the process is as efficient as possible for you the owner.

Customers receive a readout of the codes that Power Curve Performance found as well as seeing the images and understanding the damage.  Our customers appreciate seeing what has been found not just being told and taking our work for it.

Toney has priced and is making plans for his own Power Curve Performance prevention maintenance on his own car in the near future.


Need your vehicle faults diagnosed and clear codes?

Fix your upcoming issues prior to them becoming an issue that interrupts your valuable time

Ph: 0754417779


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