Supercharged Kingswood

Corey booked his newly Supercharged Kingswood in for a service a few months prior to Christmas.  Corey has been bringing the Kingswood to us for the past few years.  Each time he upgrades or changes the engine in any way he has religiously and happily bought the Kingswood back to the team for its tune from Maryborough.

Corey is the first customer in the shop and every time he is back down from Maryborough the team enjoy a chat and a catch-up.  Corey was late for his appointment and we thought this was odd but given the travel, interruptions occur.  Unfortunately, we received a very distressing phone call from Corey.  The newly Supercharged Kingswood as it was towed through the roadworks and had come off the trailer and through the local butchers front shop window.

Understandably Corey was devastated as were we to hear his pride and joy was in this state so soon after his dream mod.

Supercharged Kingswood, Power Curve Performance, Sunshine Coast, Dyno tuning, diesel, petrol

New year new start for the Supercharged Kingswood

The Supercharged Kingswood was back in the shop this week and on the dyno.  Finally, Corey had it back in pre butcher shop condition and ready to be dynoed.  Now Supercharged the Kingswood it the best it has ever been.  It starts and drives like a dream.  The current street cam in the engine is not suited to the Supercharger Corey has opted for.  It is now going to be much more cost effective for the Supercharged Kingswood to have the cam upgrade and re tune done in house with our team.  Supplying and installing a full package can feel expensive however doing the job twice is much more so.  Doing it right once may result in not so many visits from Corey.  We will be just as happy to say hi as he takes the family on a Sunshine Coast cruise than needing multiple tunes over time with small stage upgrades.

Supercharged Kingswood Dyno Sheet


Supercharged Kingswood dyno sheet, Power Curve Performance, sunshine coast

Supercharged Kingswood dyno sheet, Power Curve Performance, sunshine coast

Power Curve Performance dyno tune has picked up 61.7 horse power from the Supercharged Kingswood.  Coreys upgrades are always drivable and ready to tune.  The new cam will brighten this up further and create an even better outcome for the family.  On the test drive it was great to see the smile return for Corey after the tribulations he has endured.

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